Dick Morris and Ellen McGann:And we know that Dick Morris is the go-to guy when it comes to old tricks. Just ask one of his prostitutes.
"Hillary is up to her old tricks"
The Wikileaks documents show that Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has, as Voltaire said about the Bourbon kings of France, learned nothing and forgotten nothing.Exactly, Dick which is why she is Secretary of State and you a a bottom-feeding troll.
Why is Dick wetting himself as though his $20 date just pulled out a rolled up newspaper?
The Wikileaks documents show that you cannot only not teach an old dog new tricks, but you can't stop her from doing the ones she has always done.
The Wikileaks information indicates that Hillary -- and her predecessor, Condolleeza [sic] Rice -- instructed American diplomats to gather information about "office and organizational titles; names, position titles and other information on business cards; numbers of telephones, cell phones, pagers, and faxes," as well as "Internet and intranet 'handles'; Internet e-mail addresses, website identification-URLs; credit card account numbers; frequent-flier account numbers; work schedules, and other relevant biographical information."Once upon a time, Dick put his name on a book promoting Condi as the next Republican President. Apparently Dick can't be bothered to tell whoever wrote his column to spell her name correctly.
Of course, Dick has to explain why it was rad for Condi to datamine the private information of foreign diplomats, but for Secretary of State Clinton to do so - holy shit. Old tricks again! (And he can't just blame it on his impotence.)
Dick's has built a cottage industy on Hillary hate. He's been doing it for years and years. So why isn't he any better at it?