November 24, 2010

The Hack 30: Salon counts down the top 'journalist' hacks

The complete list of America's worst pundits. <Via Salon>
Here they are - but you need to click the link above to be properly briefed on these gasbags.

The Hack Thirty

1. Richard Cohen

2. Mark Halperin

3. Thomas Friedman

4. David Broder

5. Marty Peretz

6. Marc Thiessen

7. Jonah Goldberg

8. Maureen Dowd

9. Laura Ingraham

10. Peggy Noonan
11. George Will

12. John Fund

13. Roger Simon

14. David Ignatius

15. Mort Zuckerman

16. Michael Barone

17. Bill Kristol

18. Tina Brown

19. Joe Klein

20. Howard Fineman

21. S.E. Cupp

22. Tucker Carlson

23. Howard Kurtz

24. Dana Milbank

25. Mickey Kaus

26. Jeffrey Goldberg

27. Pat Caddell

28. Andrew Malcolm

29. Matt Bai

30. David Brooks


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