December 11, 2010

Florida Governor Charlie Crist pardons Jim Morrison...

...for some ridiculous reason. Remember what happened? Sure, it was 1969 and perpetually drunken Morrison is alleged to have displayed his weenus to the public during a Doors concert at Miami. Well. Mythology aside, who cares after 40 years.
In Tallahassee on Thursday, Florida Governor Charlie Crist will meet with other members of the state's clemency board to consider a pardon that would rewrite a page of rock 'n' roll history.
In 1969, after a concert in Miami, Doors singer Jim Morrison was arrested and charged with, among other things, profanity and indecent exposure. Doors fans and band members have long maintained Morrison was unfairly convicted.
Whatever. Lame duck Charlie must have a lot of time on his hands - probably hanging around the bachelor condo wondering how to best use the Power of the Office before the end comes in January. Morrison would have a good laugh. Oh. He's been dead forever.

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