December 13, 2010

John Boner cries on Teevee - again

 <via TPM>
America’s single greatest achievement, John Boehner, was interviewed on last night’s 60 Minutes. Thanks to his stage mom standing off-stage, yelling at him to cry on cue, he didn’t disappoint.
“I’ve never been in a tanning salon in my life, I’ve never used a tanning product in my life,” he said, his tears  tuning orange as they flowed down his orange cheeks. 
“Burnt Sienna,” not “Peach,” is the natural skin color of white people, right? Despite what five-year-olds coloring with a box of crayons say. Other things John Boehner says that will make him cry on teevee: walking into a school — something he will never do again because of the tears, so our education crisis is now solved...Christ - and Barack Obama said he is a mean hostage man.
“Some things, there are some things that are very difficult to talk about. Family, kids — I can’t go to a school anymore, I used to go to a lot of schools. You see all these little kids running around, can’t talk about it,” Boehner said. “Making sure that these kids have a shot at the American dream, like I did, is important.”
These children - pointing at him and making fun of him for crying - well, it just hurts his feelings even worser. Stahl asked him why he got choked up on election night.
“Talking, trying to talk about the fact that I’ve been chasing the American dream my whole career,” Boehner said.
In an interview with Leslie Stahl of “60 Minutes” for broadcast Sunday night on CBS, Boehner said Obama showed him “disrespect” by calling him a hostage-taker.
“Excuse me, Mr. President I thought the election was over,” Boehner said, according to a transcript obtained by POLITICO. “You know, you get a lot of that heated rhetoric during an election. But now it’s time to govern.”
So the president chose not to lie about how you gasbags negotiated in bad faith. Boo fucking hoo. Dipshit.

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