December 17, 2010

Faux News viewers the most uninformed people on the planet

Science has finally proven it: People who get their news from Fox News are the most stupid fucking idiots to ever exist. These dumbshits have not clue number one wtf is going on -  with anything. Evah.

Say like believing that Republicans opposed TARP. Christ was a Big Business Republican program created by the Big Business Republican administration of George W. Bush. A Republican. Shit like that. Fox News viewers are dangerous because these loons don't just quietly meditate on all the wrong shit they know — they have to talk about it, to everyone. Which explains why you have had to endlessly tell complete strangers who stop you on the street every day to shut the hell up about Barack Obama being an African Soviet or whatever.

Science proves that Fox News viewers believe completely wrong-ass-twisted-around junk about the stimulus, the economy, taxes, health care, the automobile industry bailout, unemployment, science, math and weather. Fox News viewers also have terrible taste in clothing, houses/trailers, music and religion. But that part got left out of the report.
<via TPM>

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