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December 31, 2010
Christine O'Donnell denies it all
Going to prison in 2011.
I recall when Christine O'Donnell claimed that she was running for office because of Gawd. I would ask: Then why did you lose? Did Gawd advise you to steal bags of cash?
I recall when Christine O'Donnell claimed that she was running for office because of Gawd. I would ask: Then why did you lose? Did Gawd advise you to steal bags of cash?
December 30, 2010
Undocumented 'Illegals, Black Presidents, Showering With Homos, Islamic Community Centers, Blacks Who Aren't Presidents, Americans Having Access to Health Care...'
Right-wing loons are ascared of everything. Recently, however, Science has explained that it's Not Their Fault!
A study to be published next year at University College London suggests that conservative brains are structured differently than the brains of other people.... Specifically, the research shows that people with conservative tendencies have a larger amygdala and a smaller anterior cingulate than other people. The amygdala—typically thought of as the "primitive brain"—is responsible for reflexive impulses, like fear. The anterior cingulate is thought to be responsible for courage and optimism. This one-two punch could be responsible for many of the anecdotal claims that conservatives "think differently" from others.Poor dears.
Back to the poorhouse: End of 2010 required reading
<Via Huffington>
The Poorhouse: Aunt Winnie, Glenn Beck, And The Politics Of The New Deal
An employee of Associated Charities, a private organization dedicated to alleviating poverty in the District of Columbia, met an old black woman carrying a basket of cinders near the dump in Southeast D.C. on a bitterly cold day in December 1896.
The woman "could not give street and number, but could 'fotch' the agent to her place," according to a case study labeled "Aunt Winnie" in one of the organization's annual reports from near the turn of the century. "Old age, with a heavy load on top and a strong wind blowing, made the walk a trying one. At last the 8x10 cabin was reached. In it was a stove in many pieces held together with wire, a bedstead with rags for mattress and rags for covering. From the leaky roof the floor was wet through and through."
Aunt Winnie, the report said, had no income save the 50 cents she made every two weeks for taking in wash. In summertime she raised herbs and greens, but in winter she "suffered for food and fuel." Her children had all been sold away to slavery, and a nearby niece was too poor to offer any support. Her neighbors helped, providing money for the stove and cot, and a "colored friendly visitor was found to carry broth and other comforts to her." The neighborly charity wasn't enough to persuade the agent, who was essentially a private sector version of a social worker, that the old woman should be on her own.
"In the fall of '98 agent asked her to go into the almshouse, but she would not consent. During the storm in February '99, she was kept from perishing with a great effort.
GO HERE NOW--->Finish the article
December 29, 2010
The 100 Most Beautiful Words in English
This according to <alphaDictionary>
Ailurophile A cat-lover.
Assemblage A gathering.
Becoming Attractive.
Beleaguer To exhaust with attacks.
Brood To think alone.
Bucolic In a lovely rural setting.
Bungalow A small, cozy cottage.
Chatoyant Like a cat's eye.
Comely Attractive.
Conflate To blend together.
Cynosure A focal point of admiration.
Dalliance A brief love affair.
Demesne Dominion, territory.
Demure Shy and reserved.
Denouement The resolution of a mystery.
Desuetude Disuse.
Desultory Slow, sluggish.
Diaphanous Filmy.
Dissemble Deceive.
Dulcet Sweet, sugary.
Ebullience Bubbling enthusiasm.
Effervescent Bubbly.
Efflorescence Flowering, blooming.
Elision Dropping a sound or syllable in a word.
Elixir A good potion.
Eloquence Beauty and persuasion in speech.
Embrocation Rubbing on a lotion.
Emollient A softener.
Ephemeral Short-lived.
Epiphany A sudden revelation.
Erstwhile At one time, for a time.
Ethereal Gaseous, invisible but detectable.
Evanescent Vanishing quickly, lasting a very short time.
Evocative Suggestive.
Fetching Pretty.
Felicity Pleasantness.
Forbearance Withholding response to provocation.
Fugacious Fleeting.
Furtive Shifty, sneaky.
Gambol To skip or leap about joyfully.
Glamour Beauty.
Gossamer The finest piece of thread, a spider's silk
Halcyon Happy, sunny, care-free.
Harbinger Messenger with news of the future.
Imbrication Overlapping and forming a regular pattern.
Imbroglio An altercation or complicated situation.
Imbue To infuse, instill.
Incipient Beginning, in an early stage.
Ineffable Unutterable, inexpressible.
Ingénue A naïve young woman.
Inglenook A cozy nook by the hearth.
Insouciance Blithe nonchalance.
Inure To become jaded.
Labyrinthine Twisting and turning.
Lagniappe A special kind of gift.
Lagoon A small gulf or inlet.
Languor Listlessness, inactivity.
Lassitude Weariness, listlessness.
Leisure Free time.
Lilt To move musically or lively.
Lissome Slender and graceful.
Lithe Slender and flexible.
Love Deep affection.
Mellifluous Sweet sounding.
Moiety One of two equal parts.
Mondegreen A slip of the ear.
Murmurous Murmuring.
Nemesis An unconquerable archenemy.
Offing The sea between the horizon and the offshore.
Onomatopoeia A word that sounds like its meaning.
Opulent Lush, luxuriant.
Palimpsest A manuscript written over earlier ones.
Panacea A solution for all problems
Panoply A complete set.
Pastiche An art work combining materials from various sources.
Penumbra A half-shadow.
Petrichor The smell of earth after rain.
Plethora A large quantity.
Propinquity An inclination.
Pyrrhic Successful with heavy losses.
Quintessential Most essential.
Ratatouille A spicy French stew.
Ravel To knit or unknit.
Redolent Fragrant.
Riparian By the bank of a stream.
Ripple A very small wave.
Scintilla A spark or very small thing.
Sempiternal Eternal.
Seraglio Rich, luxurious oriental palace or harem.
Serendipity Finding something nice while looking for something else.
Summery Light, delicate or warm and sunny.
Sumptuous Lush, luxurious.
Surreptitious Secretive, sneaky.
Susquehanna A river in Pennsylvania.
Susurrous Whispering, hissing.
Talisman A good luck charm.
Tintinnabulation Tinkling.
Umbrella Protection from sun or rain.
Untoward Unseemly, inappropriate.
Vestigial In trace amounts.
Wafture Waving.
Wherewithal The means.
Woebegone Sorrowful, downcast.
Ailurophile A cat-lover.
Assemblage A gathering.
Becoming Attractive.
Beleaguer To exhaust with attacks.
Brood To think alone.
Bucolic In a lovely rural setting.
Bungalow A small, cozy cottage.
Chatoyant Like a cat's eye.
Comely Attractive.
Conflate To blend together.
Cynosure A focal point of admiration.
Dalliance A brief love affair.
Demesne Dominion, territory.
Demure Shy and reserved.
Denouement The resolution of a mystery.
Desuetude Disuse.
Desultory Slow, sluggish.
Diaphanous Filmy.
Dissemble Deceive.
Dulcet Sweet, sugary.
Ebullience Bubbling enthusiasm.
Effervescent Bubbly.
Efflorescence Flowering, blooming.
Elision Dropping a sound or syllable in a word.
Elixir A good potion.
Eloquence Beauty and persuasion in speech.
Embrocation Rubbing on a lotion.
Emollient A softener.
Ephemeral Short-lived.
Epiphany A sudden revelation.
Erstwhile At one time, for a time.
Ethereal Gaseous, invisible but detectable.
Evanescent Vanishing quickly, lasting a very short time.
Evocative Suggestive.
Fetching Pretty.
Felicity Pleasantness.
Forbearance Withholding response to provocation.
Fugacious Fleeting.
Furtive Shifty, sneaky.
Gambol To skip or leap about joyfully.
Glamour Beauty.
Gossamer The finest piece of thread, a spider's silk
Halcyon Happy, sunny, care-free.
Harbinger Messenger with news of the future.
Imbrication Overlapping and forming a regular pattern.
Imbroglio An altercation or complicated situation.
Imbue To infuse, instill.
Incipient Beginning, in an early stage.
Ineffable Unutterable, inexpressible.
Ingénue A naïve young woman.
Inglenook A cozy nook by the hearth.
Insouciance Blithe nonchalance.
Inure To become jaded.
Labyrinthine Twisting and turning.
Lagniappe A special kind of gift.
Lagoon A small gulf or inlet.
Languor Listlessness, inactivity.
Lassitude Weariness, listlessness.
Leisure Free time.
Lilt To move musically or lively.
Lissome Slender and graceful.
Lithe Slender and flexible.
Love Deep affection.
Mellifluous Sweet sounding.
Moiety One of two equal parts.
Mondegreen A slip of the ear.
Murmurous Murmuring.
Nemesis An unconquerable archenemy.
Offing The sea between the horizon and the offshore.
Onomatopoeia A word that sounds like its meaning.
Opulent Lush, luxuriant.
Palimpsest A manuscript written over earlier ones.
Panacea A solution for all problems
Panoply A complete set.
Pastiche An art work combining materials from various sources.
Penumbra A half-shadow.
Petrichor The smell of earth after rain.
Plethora A large quantity.
Propinquity An inclination.
Pyrrhic Successful with heavy losses.
Quintessential Most essential.
Ratatouille A spicy French stew.
Ravel To knit or unknit.
Redolent Fragrant.
Riparian By the bank of a stream.
Ripple A very small wave.
Scintilla A spark or very small thing.
Sempiternal Eternal.
Seraglio Rich, luxurious oriental palace or harem.
Serendipity Finding something nice while looking for something else.
Summery Light, delicate or warm and sunny.
Sumptuous Lush, luxurious.
Surreptitious Secretive, sneaky.
Susquehanna A river in Pennsylvania.
Susurrous Whispering, hissing.
Talisman A good luck charm.
Tintinnabulation Tinkling.
Umbrella Protection from sun or rain.
Untoward Unseemly, inappropriate.
Vestigial In trace amounts.
Wafture Waving.
Wherewithal The means.
Woebegone Sorrowful, downcast.
Classical Music Riots
<via wikipedia>
A classical music riot is violent, disorderly behavior that occurs upon (usually) the premiere of a controversial piece of classical music. The usual respectful and sedate manner of classical music audiences means that any sort of rough behavior, ranging from catcalls to shoving, can be seen as a comparative 'riot'.
Some famous examples:
La Muette de Portici by Daniel Auber (1830) -- led to the most violent afterparty in operatic history. It was performed in 1830 to an already agitated population in the Théâtre de la Monnaie in Brussels. When it came time for the patriotic duet Amour sacré de la Patrie, pandemonium broke out. People poured out of the opera house and started looting and ransacking the city. Eight thousand Dutch soldiers were sent in to restore order, but after three days of bloody street fighting, Belgium declared independence.
♫ The Rite of Spring by Igor Stravinsky (1913) – probably the most famous classical music riot in history. The ballet opened with a solo bassoon, followed by intensely rhythmic dancing, choreographed by Vaslav Nijinsky. (Watch a recreation of the 1913 performance here: part one, part two, part three.) The booing and yelling grew so loud that the dancers had trouble hearing the orchestra, forcing Nijinsky to shout out counts to them. Fistfights broke out in the audience and the Paris police were called in to restore order, which they could not. The Rite would famously appear in Disney's Fantasia in 1940 and has since become a standard of the classical repertoire. (NPR has more!)
♫ The Rite of Spring by Igor Stravinsky (1913) – probably the most famous classical music riot in history. The ballet opened with a solo bassoon, followed by intensely rhythmic dancing, choreographed by Vaslav Nijinsky. (Watch a recreation of the 1913 performance here: part one, part two, part three.) The booing and yelling grew so loud that the dancers had trouble hearing the orchestra, forcing Nijinsky to shout out counts to them. Fistfights broke out in the audience and the Paris police were called in to restore order, which they could not. The Rite would famously appear in Disney's Fantasia in 1940 and has since become a standard of the classical repertoire. (NPR has more!)
December 28, 2010
Movements in Still Life: Dance To the Beat
BT. aka Brian Transeau. From the album Movements in Still Life. 1999. Title cut.
Best enjoyed at high dB. A brilliant one-person studio performance. Prolly his best.
Best enjoyed at high dB. A brilliant one-person studio performance. Prolly his best.
Good advice for the enlightened Modern
If you're a man, get married and stay married, because married men outlive bachelors (but only if they talk as much as their wives). If you're a woman, have a baby after 40, but don't put anything on your face that you wouldn't put in your stomach.
<Via Metafilter>
<Via Metafilter>
Little Feat. Their best
From the live album Waiting For Columbus: Time Loves a Hero.1978.
Waiting For Columbus double hit - below the fold.
Waiting For Columbus double hit - below the fold.
December 27, 2010
December 26, 2010
December 25, 2010
Robert Palmer
From the album Pressure Drop: Give Me An Inch. 1976. Robert Palmer: 1949-2003. RIP
Lyrics below the fold...
Lyrics below the fold...
Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen
From the album Live from Deep in the Heart of Texas: Sunset on the Sage. 1974
December 24, 2010
Ruin your child's Xmas with these awesome trading cards!
Could not pass this up! Went over to this kids internet site thingy where you can make your own collectible Poke style trading cards. Seemed a good idea to celebrate the end of a year full of Republican Senate Obstructionism...with some cool trading cards of the Senate's top obstructionists!
Lindsey Graham
Mitch McConnell
John McCain
Lindsey Graham
Mitch McConnell
John McCain
Cenk Uygur Interviews Julian Assange on MSNBC
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Christmas Cats
Do not email me with your fucking complaints about sexism, OK? I can trash an email faster than you Google losers can count to 2.
This WikiLeak coming up is going to be fucking UNBELIEVABLE
Can't wait for this! Crooks & Liars sez that Bank of America is panic-buying domain names in preparation for the upcoming BofA WikiLeaks releases:
According to Domain Name Wire, the US bank has been aggressively registering domain names including its board of Directors' and senior executives' names followed by "sucks" and "blows".
For example, the company registered a number of domains for CEO Brian Moynihan: BrianMoynihanBlows.com, BrianMoynihanSucks.com, BrianTMoynihanBlows.com, and BrianTMoynihanSucks.com.
The wire report counted hundreds of such domain name registrations on 17 December alone. They were acquired through an intermediary that frequently registers domain names on behalf of large companies, says the report.
Bank of America has reputedly established a 'war room' to draw up strategy and rebutt [sic] allegations likely to emerge from the publication of thousands of internal documents by WikiLeaks.
December 23, 2010
December 22, 2010
Buzzkill for your holidays
Robert Reich
America Attacks its Education System
Over the long term, the only way we’re going to raise wages, grow the economy, and improve American competitiveness is by investing in our people — especially their educations.
You’ve probably seen the reports. American students rank low on international standards of educational performance. Too many of ours schools are failing. Too few young people who are qualified for college or post-secondary education have the opportunity.
I’m not one of those who thinks the only way to fix what’s wrong with American education is to throw more money at it. We also need to do it much better. Teacher performance has to be squarely on the table. We should experiment with vouchers whose worth is inversely related to family income. Universities have to tame their budgets, especially for student amenities that have nothing to do with education.
But considering the increases in our population of young people and their educational needs, and the challenges posed by the new global economy, more resources are surely needed.
Here’s another reason why the $858 billion tax bill — including a continuation of the Bush tax cuts to the richest Americans and a dramatic drop in their estate taxes — is so dangerous. By further widening the federal budget deficit, it invites even more budget cuts in education, including early-childhood and post-secondary. Pell Grants that allow young people from poor families to attend college are already on the chopping block.
Less visible are cuts the states are already making in their schools budgets. Because these cuts are at the state level they’ve been under the national radar screen, but viewed as a whole they seriously threaten the nation’s future.
Here’s a summary:
* Arizona has eliminated preschool for 4,328 children, funding for schools to provide additional support to disadvantaged children from preschool to third grade, aid to charter schools, and funding for books, computers, and other classroom supplies. The state also halved funding for kindergarten, leaving school districts and parents to shoulder the cost of keeping their children in school beyond a half-day schedule.
* California has reduced K-12 aid to local school districts by billions of dollars and is cutting a variety of programs, including adult literacy instruction and help for high-needs students.
America Attacks its Education System
Over the long term, the only way we’re going to raise wages, grow the economy, and improve American competitiveness is by investing in our people — especially their educations.
You’ve probably seen the reports. American students rank low on international standards of educational performance. Too many of ours schools are failing. Too few young people who are qualified for college or post-secondary education have the opportunity.
I’m not one of those who thinks the only way to fix what’s wrong with American education is to throw more money at it. We also need to do it much better. Teacher performance has to be squarely on the table. We should experiment with vouchers whose worth is inversely related to family income. Universities have to tame their budgets, especially for student amenities that have nothing to do with education.
But considering the increases in our population of young people and their educational needs, and the challenges posed by the new global economy, more resources are surely needed.
Here’s another reason why the $858 billion tax bill — including a continuation of the Bush tax cuts to the richest Americans and a dramatic drop in their estate taxes — is so dangerous. By further widening the federal budget deficit, it invites even more budget cuts in education, including early-childhood and post-secondary. Pell Grants that allow young people from poor families to attend college are already on the chopping block.
Less visible are cuts the states are already making in their schools budgets. Because these cuts are at the state level they’ve been under the national radar screen, but viewed as a whole they seriously threaten the nation’s future.
Here’s a summary:
* Arizona has eliminated preschool for 4,328 children, funding for schools to provide additional support to disadvantaged children from preschool to third grade, aid to charter schools, and funding for books, computers, and other classroom supplies. The state also halved funding for kindergarten, leaving school districts and parents to shoulder the cost of keeping their children in school beyond a half-day schedule.
* California has reduced K-12 aid to local school districts by billions of dollars and is cutting a variety of programs, including adult literacy instruction and help for high-needs students.
December 21, 2010
Comedian Haley Barbour is no racist.
He just remembers life in the Deep South during the Civil Rights movement as easy and breezy.
The Rude Pundit on Haley Barbour's moronic comments about how life in the Jim Crow South wasn't that bad for a white man.
The Rude Pundit on Haley Barbour's moronic comments about how life in the Jim Crow South wasn't that bad for a white man.
There's a particular delusion that Confederacy apologists have. They have to be in deep denial about secession and the war because it prevents them from acknowledging that it's just fucking racist to honor the Confederacy. And they'd have to acknowledge that it wasn't the honorable beliefs of citizens being oppressed by the federal government. It was just a bunch of traitorous, rich scumbags who didn't want to lose their biggest moneymaking asset: free labor. Remember: when you honor Confederate soldiers, you honor terrorists. Having a party to celebrate secession is not unlike a group of extremist Muslims in a Pakistan cave hosting a let's-fuck-this-goat party every September 11.
[...] Barbour, though, is just another incarnation of the Confederacy apologists. Of course it was a wonderful life for Barbour. He was white and ignorant. You put on blinders as a kid, but you're supposed to realize when you're an adult, "Oh, shit, Mom and Dad weren't blissfully happy all the time. Oh, shit, blacks in my town were treated like shit." So, one has to wonder, is being white and ignorant still his excuse now?
Final Day: Zappadan
From the album Absolutely Free: America Drinks and Goes Home. 1967. Happy Birthday. And goodnight Frank Zappa.
December 20, 2010
Jeebus: The perfect conservative
Herman - over there at RedState - has news for you:
He led without a mandate. He taught without a script. His common sense parables filled people with promise and compassion, His words forever inspiring.
The liberal court found Him guilty of false offences and sentenced Him to death, all because He changed the hearts and minds of men with an army of 12.
His death reset the clock of time.
Never before and not since has there ever been such a perfect conservative.
Day Seventeen: Zappadan
One of the last interviews.
I love this man more than I could ever describe. He was my role model when I needed one the most - at age 16.
Zappa exercised his genius for 25 years with not a single misgiving about all the shit he took from his plentiful critics, while at the same time leaving behind a body of musical work that would rival Debussy in scope, and would demote Philip Glass to the role of Court Dooofus.
The Zappa legacy lies, however, in his common sense but conservative snarky cynicism, rooted in a profound distrust of stupid adults. Frank Zappa hated ignorant, phony people and the entire focus of his work expresses that sentiment.
It's nearly impossible to like all of his stuff. No matter. Zappa will influence American Rock Music for generations to come.
December 19, 2010
Overheard on the Twitter
MOM: | I’m on twitter now. I tweet all day! |
MOM: | ooo laaa laaa, JLO is making chicken parm tonight. mmmm |
ME: | I hope this is a joke. |
MOM: | twitter me! everyone is following me everywhere |
LOL - chicken parm.
You have just entered - the Twilight Zone
President Barack Obama to propose cuts to Social Security.
I know. This is that 9th Dimensional Chess the president has been engaged in all the groupies are chatting about...
I know. This is that 9th Dimensional Chess the president has been engaged in all the groupies are chatting about...
Day Sixteen: Zappadan
From the album One Size Fits All: Andy. 1975. RIP Frank Zappa. 12/21/40 - 12/4/93
December 18, 2010
Day Fifteen: Zappadan
We're Only in it For the Money. Part 3.
1. Nasal Retentive Calliope Music
2. Let's Make the Water Turn Black
3. The Idiot Bastard Son
4. Lonely Little Girl
5. Take Your Clothes Off When You Dance
1. Nasal Retentive Calliope Music
2. Let's Make the Water Turn Black
3. The Idiot Bastard Son
4. Lonely Little Girl
5. Take Your Clothes Off When You Dance
December 17, 2010
My boyfriend wants me to prove my honesty with a lie detector test
Dear Prudence,
My boyfriend of two years says that he will not ask me to marry him unless I take a lie detector test to pinpoint the truth about certain things that have gone on in our relationship. I have been faithful and honest to him throughout the time we have been dating, with the exception of getting caught in some white lies about things that occurred before we were together. He says that if I have lied about little things, then I could lie about big things, and he needs to know he can trust me. I've always been of the mind-set that what happened before you were with your partner is not really their business and doesn't affect the relationship. I refuse under any circumstances to take the test. I've made sacrifices and compromises to keep him happy, but his request is completely unreasonable, isn't it? Is it a sign of overall problems? What should I do?
—Am I Crazy?
Dear Crazy,
Your boyfriend is onto something. Before committing to marriage, I think everyone should have their sphincter activity monitored in response to important questions. That way, you establish a baseline of trust. So surely your boyfriend would be willing to be hooked up to a lie detector and asked the following: "Are you a pathologically controlling sicko?" "Do you think of yourself as more of a boyfriend or parole officer?" "In your best judgment, would marriage to you be a living hell?" I'm going to assume that you got caught in some "white lies" because your boyfriend was prying about previous lovers and you knew from experience that if you gave him any names, you would be mercilessly grilled. You should have just told him, "This is none of your business." But as you've discovered, the longer you stay with a crazy, manipulative person, the more you lose touch with normal behavior and begin to doubt your own sanity. Your boyfriend has done you a great favor by insisting on the lie detector. This has revealed to you that the most important question to be asked is the one you put to yourself, which is "What did I ever see in this lunatic?"
Your boyfriend is onto something. Before committing to marriage, I think everyone should have their sphincter activity monitored in response to important questions. That way, you establish a baseline of trust. So surely your boyfriend would be willing to be hooked up to a lie detector and asked the following: "Are you a pathologically controlling sicko?" "Do you think of yourself as more of a boyfriend or parole officer?" "In your best judgment, would marriage to you be a living hell?" I'm going to assume that you got caught in some "white lies" because your boyfriend was prying about previous lovers and you knew from experience that if you gave him any names, you would be mercilessly grilled. You should have just told him, "This is none of your business." But as you've discovered, the longer you stay with a crazy, manipulative person, the more you lose touch with normal behavior and begin to doubt your own sanity. Your boyfriend has done you a great favor by insisting on the lie detector. This has revealed to you that the most important question to be asked is the one you put to yourself, which is "What did I ever see in this lunatic?"
<via Slate>
Day Fourteen: Zappadan
We're Only in it For the Money. Part 2.
1. Bow Tie Daddy
2. Harry You're a Beast
3. What's the Ugliest Part of Your Body
4. Absolutely Free
5. Flower Punk
6. Hot Poop
1. Bow Tie Daddy
2. Harry You're a Beast
3. What's the Ugliest Part of Your Body
4. Absolutely Free
5. Flower Punk
6. Hot Poop
The world mourns the death of Captain Beefheart
R.I.P. Captain Beefheart. 1/15/1941-12/17/2010
Don Van Vliet, better know to Rock & Rollers as Captain Beefheart, passed away today at the age of 69 after a battle with multiple sclerosis. Van Vliet's management confirmed his death to Rolling Stone.
Not Krugman AGAIN...
Better grab the bottle Wild Turkey before digging in here. This bastard can ruin your day in a fast minute.
When the financial crisis struck, many people — myself included — considered it a teachable moment. Above all, we expected the crisis to remind everyone why banks need to be effectively regulated.
How naïve we were. We should have realized that the modern Republican Party is utterly dedicated to the Reaganite slogan that government is always the problem, never the solution. And, therefore, we should have realized that party loyalists, confronted with facts that don’t fit the slogan, would adjust the facts.
Faux News viewers the most uninformed people on the planet
Science has finally proven it: People who get their news from Fox News are the most stupid fucking idiots to ever exist. These dumbshits have not clue number one wtf is going on - with anything. Evah.
Say like believing that Republicans opposed TARP. Christ Jesus...it was a Big Business Republican program created by the Big Business Republican administration of George W. Bush. A Republican. Shit like that. Fox News viewers are dangerous because these loons don't just quietly meditate on all the wrong shit they know — they have to talk about it, to everyone. Which explains why you have had to endlessly tell complete strangers who stop you on the street every day to shut the hell up about Barack Obama being an African Soviet or whatever.
Science proves that Fox News viewers believe completely wrong-ass-twisted-around junk about the stimulus, the economy, taxes, health care, the automobile industry bailout, unemployment, science, math and weather. Fox News viewers also have terrible taste in clothing, houses/trailers, music and religion. But that part got left out of the report.
<via TPM>
Day Thirteen: Zappadan
From the album We're Only In It For the Money. 1968. Part 1. Part two on day 15
1. Are You Hung Up?
2. Who Needs the Peace Corps
3. Concentration Moon
4. Mom and Dad
1. Are You Hung Up?
2. Who Needs the Peace Corps
3. Concentration Moon
4. Mom and Dad
December 16, 2010
December 14, 2010
Day Twelve: Zappadan
From the album Absolutely Free: Plastic People. 1967. RIP Frank Zappa. 12/21/40 - 12/4/93
"You've got to stop this war in Afghanistan."
Those, according to the Washington Post, were Richard C. Holbrooke's last words. Unfortunately they were delivered to his "Pakistani surgeon," not the president.
December 13, 2010
Day Eleven: Zappadan
From the album One Size Fits All: PoJama People. 1975. RIP Frank Zappa. 12/21/40 - 12/4/93
The Crisis of Capitalism
Ewwww. Long video. Short attention span? Hit the 'Pause' every 3 minutes so you can pick the lint out or something. And resume.
<Thanks AMERICAblog>
<Thanks AMERICAblog>
You know that song spinning around in your brain - but you can't remember what it is?
Move the mystery song from your head to your MP3. Finally!
<via Consumerist>
Back when - before the earth cooled - it used to be the job of radio DJs and Sam Goody employees to translate your pathetic humming and insipid descriptions of songs you like into genuine song titles, as well as the tunes' artists and albums.
Technology has teamed with capitalism to make it easy to discover the songs that drive you crazy by playing on repeat in your brain. Digital Inspiration runs down cheap and free methods to track down your lost tunes:
*Mobile apps on cell phones - Download Shazam, which will listen to a few seconds of a song on the radio, identify it and show you a prompt to buy it.
*Search engines - If you know a few words of the lyrics, you can type them in on a computer and find the song within seconds.
*Humming - Midomi doesn't even need the genuine article or any lyrics to track down songs. Just hum part of the song and the site will pull up suggestions of possible matches.
What's your favorite way to unmask mystery music?
Find the Song Name Without Knowing the Lyrics [Digital Inspiration]
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Alien Obama
SPLIT RUN. Ole Perfesser Instapundit:
PEJMAN YOUSEFZADEH: “It is not any kind of orthodox Republican talking point that Barack Obama is ‘an alien and a threat.’”Elsewhere and previously:
The Alien in the White House -- Dorothy Rabinowitz, Wall Street Journal
Obama the Alien -- Larry Kudlow, National Review
Alien Obama... The heartland of America, the small towns and suburbs, the "baseball, apple pie and Chevrolet" that forms the core of our cultural experience is alien to Barack Obama. He cannot love it, share it, or reflect it, because he does not know it. -- Confederate Yankee
CHRIS MATTHEWS: He [Obama] wasn’t born here and he’s never gone through a naturalization that you know of, right?
G. GORDON LIDDY: Not that I know of.
MATTHEWS: Therefore he’s here illegally. You’re saying he’s an undocumented alien.
LIDDY: Illegal alien.
John Boner cries on Teevee - again
<via TPM>
America’s single greatest achievement, John Boehner, was interviewed on last night’s 60 Minutes. Thanks to his stage mom standing off-stage, yelling at him to cry on cue, he didn’t disappoint.
“I’ve never been in a tanning salon in my life, I’ve never used a tanning product in my life,” he said, his tears tuning orange as they flowed down his orange cheeks.
“Burnt Sienna,” not “Peach,” is the natural skin color of white people, right? Despite what five-year-olds coloring with a box of crayons say. Other things John Boehner says that will make him cry on teevee: walking into a school — something he will never do again because of the tears, so our education crisis is now solved...Christ - and Barack Obama said he is a mean hostage man.
“Some things, there are some things that are very difficult to talk about. Family, kids — I can’t go to a school anymore, I used to go to a lot of schools. You see all these little kids running around, can’t talk about it,” Boehner said. “Making sure that these kids have a shot at the American dream, like I did, is important.”
These children - pointing at him and making fun of him for crying - well, it just hurts his feelings even worser. Stahl asked him why he got choked up on election night.
“Talking, trying to talk about the fact that I’ve been chasing the American dream my whole career,” Boehner said.
In an interview with Leslie Stahl of “60 Minutes” for broadcast Sunday night on CBS, Boehner said Obama showed him “disrespect” by calling him a hostage-taker.
“Excuse me, Mr. President I thought the election was over,” Boehner said, according to a transcript obtained by POLITICO. “You know, you get a lot of that heated rhetoric during an election. But now it’s time to govern.”
So the president chose not to lie about how you gasbags negotiated in bad faith. Boo fucking hoo. Dipshit.
Rep. Spencer Bachus (R-AL) sez:
"In Washington, the view is that the banks are to be regulated, and my view is that Washington and the regulators are there to serve the banks."
Day Ten: Zappadan
From the album Absolutely Free: Brown Shoes Don't Make It. 1967. RIP Frank Zappa. 12/21/40 - 12/4/93
December 12, 2010
This British student is 15 years old.
"They can't stop us demonstrating, they can't stop us fighting back, and how ever much they try to imprison us in the streets of London, those are our streets. We will always be there to demonstrate, we will always be there to fight... We are no longer that generation that doesn't care, we are no longer that generation to sit back and take whatever they give us. We are now the generation at the heart of the fight back."
Hijinks at Barney & Hobo
Today on one of my rare visits to a Barnes & Noble megastore, I was compelled to do my good deed for the day. Spotting the brand new George W. Bush memoir on 'New Arrivals' table, I thought it would be helpful to the B&N staff to put a few copies out in their rightful section. Being a professional, this seemed like an easy task.
Well. That's not right. It may be fiction but there's nothing religious about it.
I thought this would be easy, but I can't leave him here. Recovery what? Nobody I know has yet to recover from 8 years of The Decider. Let's try...
Yeah. It's like a metaphor. But this is serious work and we must be accurate how we shelve crap like this.
Hmmm. Getting close. One more swing around the grand concourse and...
Bingo! I have a Bingo!! Now he's right at home.
Well. That's not right. It may be fiction but there's nothing religious about it.
I thought this would be easy, but I can't leave him here. Recovery what? Nobody I know has yet to recover from 8 years of The Decider. Let's try...
Yeah. It's like a metaphor. But this is serious work and we must be accurate how we shelve crap like this.
Hmmm. Getting close. One more swing around the grand concourse and...
Bingo! I have a Bingo!! Now he's right at home.
Penn Jillette vs.TSA
"Freedom is kind of a hobby with me, and I have disposable income that I'll spend to find out how to get people more of it."
Penn Jillette <via Penniphile>
Penn Jillette <via Penniphile>
December 11, 2010
Your brain wants to be the boss. Don't let it happen!
Oh Boy! The end-of-the-year top ten lists you hate so much. But wait. This one is different.
Top 10 Ways Your Brain Is Sabotaging You (and How to Beat It)
10. Knowing You Can Get Smarter Makes You ... Smarter
There's a way of thinking that goes that, since you didn't grow up with genius parents or Einstein's instinctive reasoning, you're only going to be so intellectually able throughout your life. But consider that when a group of college students were given a course that studied the ability to grow smarter and improve performance, they performed notably better in their further college studies than those students who were never taught such thinking. You can easily convince yourself that rigorous study can be a time sink, or let yourself believe in the brain's ability to adapt, and then actually adapt your own gray matter. And it kind of applies to the rest of this list, we'd hope.
(Go. Now - and read the whole article-->via LifeHacker)
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